We specialize in designing and delivering complete interior solutions that combine functionality with unique design, tailored to the needs of various industries. We create spaces that captivate with their aesthetics, ensure user comfort, and support the development of a distinctive brand image. With our experience and individualized approach to each project, we help our clients bring their vision to life and enhance the quality of the spaces they create.
Quantity: We have completed a comprehensive rebranding of 70 cafés across Poland, with a total area exceeding 48,000 m².
Scope of work: As the general contractor, we were responsible for cost estimation, design work, production and installation of signage, execution of finishing works, as well as electrical, lighting, and air conditioning tasks. We managed the entire process by coordinating specialized teams and overseeing project management.
Quantity: To date, we have completed over 1,000 stores in a traditional format, with an average store size of 800 m² each. Additionally, we have carried out approximately 15 thematic campaigns, such as rebranding specific product categories on a nationwide scale.
Scope of work: This included cost estimation, design work, production of furniture and equipment, production of internal signage, lighting work in the fruit & vegetable and bakery sections, and coordination of investor purchases.
Ilość: do chwili obecnej zrealizowaliśmy ponad 1000 sklepów w tradycyjnym formacie o średniej powierzchni sklepu 800 m² każdy. Równocześnie zrealizowaliśmy ok.15 akcji tematycznych takich jak rebranding poszczególnych kategorii produktowych w skali całej Polski.
Zakres prac: to kosztorysowanie, prace projektowe, produkcja mebli i wyposażenia, produkcja oznakowania wewnętrznego, prace oświetleniowe na działach warzywa-owoce i pieczywo oraz koordynacja zakupów inwestorskich.
Quantity: We have completed 240 interior projects at gas stations across Poland. Additionally, we have carried out 94 construction and finishing projects.
Scope of work: This included cost estimation, design work, production of furniture and equipment, production of internal signage, wall wallpapering, coordination of investor purchases, execution of finishing works, as well as electrical, lighting, and air conditioning tasks. We managed the entire process by coordinating specialized teams and overseeing project management.
Quantity: We have renovated 63 gas stations across Poland. Additionally, we have completed 10 construction and finishing projects.
Scope of work: This included cost estimation, design work, production of furniture and equipment, production of internal signage, wall wallpapering, coordination of investor purchases, execution of finishing works, as well as electrical, lighting, and air conditioning tasks. We managed the entire process by coordinating specialized teams and overseeing project management.
Quantity: We have carried out the complete adaptation of 20 clothing stores for brands such as Max Mara, Laurèl, Patrizia Pepe, Marella, Sportfino, Max Mara Weekend, and Karl Lagerfeld.
Scope of work: As the general contractor, we were responsible for cost estimation, design work, and the production of sales and backroom furniture. We then carried out the installation of furniture and signage, finishing works, as well as electrical, lighting, and air conditioning tasks. We managed the entire process by coordinating specialized teams and overseeing project management. We hold a certification from the Italian group GP & OWL International, confirming the quality and approval of our work.
Quantity: We have renovated 22 gas stations across Germany.
Scope of work: This included measurements, design work, electrical work, lighting installation, production and installation of furniture, equipment, and advertising signage, as well as project management and coordination of investor purchases.
Quantity: We have completed the comprehensive adaptation of 50 stores across Poland.
Task: This included measurements and analysis of the store’s existing condition, concept development and design work, preparation of execution projects for three-party approval, and finally, the production of advertising signage, sales and inspirational furniture, as well as project management.
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